Mental Health Check In
Daily Mental Health Check Ins would involve giving each student a post it note. They would write their name on the back so it wouldn’t be visible to other students. There would be a poster board that had different categories of mental health: I’m great, I’m okay, I’m meh, or I’m struggling and need a check in. This would ensure that when a student is struggling a teacher could check in with them. This daily activity would normalize mental health and could help bring awareness to struggles that may occur when schools are re-opening.
Expected Impact
This would be a daily check in that students would complete. This would allow students to identify their feelings and for teachers to identify any areas of concern. It would also normalize mental health, and bring students closer together while being aware of other people’s feelings. Administrators could use this with teachers, since their transition back will be challenging too. Parents could additionally use their with their children as well.
Adopt & Adapt
It would require a poster board created for the check ins, and post it notes. It could be implemented immediately.